Report Bug

Halaman ini disediakan untuk melaporkan bug dalam implementasi Blogger Template Jettheme. Silahkan isi komentar Anda dibawah ini.

  • Ali K
    Ali K 13 June, 2021

    Assalamualaikum bang, saya suka template jettheme, saya pakai yang gratisan, bagus tapi knp dalam postingan iklan sering tidak muncul, padahal di sidebar bisa muncul, sebelumnya saya pakai template viomagz atau brosense by bisa semua muncul iklannya (termasuk di dalam postingan)

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 02 August, 2021

      Waalaikumsalam, sebelumnya terimakasih telah menggunakan jettheme.
      Untuk tampilan iklan pada tengah artikel, belum support dengan kode script adsense yang kamu letakan pada head, kamu bisa memperbaikinya dengan memindahnya ke atas /body atau menggunakan Lazyload Adsense

    • Sajakrerindu
      Sajakrerindu 25 December, 2021

      Kalau script di head pindah ke body apakah ada pengaruh negatif mas?

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 27 December, 2021

      tidak ada pengaruh negatif

    INSEO 23 August, 2021

    Assalamualaikum bang.. bang mau tanya apakah bisa klo saya langsung instal dari file xml sebelumnya langsung ke file xml terbaru / langsung timpa file xml sebelumnya langsung tanpa menggunakan blank.xml

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 28 August, 2021

      gunakan blank.xml terlebih dahulu

  • মোঃ আব্দুর রহিম
    মোঃ আব্দুর রহিম 10 November, 2021

    Hi, your theme is so much fantastic. I love you theme very much. How to use custom font in your theme. I want to use Google font "hindi siliguri" or "Baloo Da 2"

    How to use custom font. Please reply. I am waiting for your reply.


    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 14 November, 2021

      you can custom your font using google fonts, like blogger theme in general.


  • アタル
    アタル 28 November, 2021

    Thank you for creating the "JetTheme" template!
    I am a Japanese user.

    Are you using the "Google Chrome" browser for release verification?

    When using the "Safari" browser from a Mac, iPhone, or iPad, there are some differences (hidden) from the "Chrome" browser display.
    I will report on the two places that were found this time!

    [1] When entering a comment, the "Receive push notification" checkbox displayed at the bottom left of the "Safari" browser is not displayed.

    [2] "Article edit link" is not displayed in "Safari" browser.
    (In both the post list and the posted article)

    Both [1] and [2] have been confirmed on Mac (macOS11.6.1), iPhone (iOS), and iPad.

    Few people have a browser other than "Safari" such as "Chrome" installed on their iPhone, so at least I want the "Safari" browser on iOS devices to display the "Receive notifications" checkbox. think!

    Thank you for your support…

  • アタル
    アタル 28 November, 2021

    This is an additional message.

    In addition, it has been tweeted with #JetTheme with an image.
    Twitter @Ataruchi

    (The whole text has been translated into English using the translation site)

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 29 November, 2021

      Thank you for providing the report.
      can you contact me via telegram @cs_jettheme so you can attach an image for me about the problem.

    • アタル
      アタル 29 November, 2021

      They took good care of me and the problem was solved!
      Thank you very much.

      You need to change the Safari settings on your Mac, iPhone and other iOS devices from the default settings!

      [1] Turn off "Block all cookies".

      [2] Turn off "Prevent tracking across sites" in Tracking by web site.

      [3] Clear your cache just in case.

      [4] Sign in to Google again.

      After these steps, you will see your "avatar" when you type comments, and you will be able to see your
      The "Receive notifications" checkbox will also appear.
      The "Edit Article" icon will also be displayed as in the Chrome browser.

      That's all.

  • Sajakrerindu
    Sajakrerindu 25 December, 2021

    Assalamu 'alaikum mas, gimana caranya agar tampilan TOC tidak di awal postingan.
    Rencana saya mau pasang di bawah gambar pertama, sudah punya script penempatannya. Tapi masih bingung kode html mana saya yang harus saya pindah, soalnya template ini script TOC ter-defer di atas /body.

    Mungkin untuk update selanjutnya bisa dibikin fleksibel penempatan toc dengan div id pemanggil khusus.
    Terima kasih.

    Wasalamu 'alaikum..

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 27 December, 2021

      Waalaikumsalam, TOC bisa diatur dengan penempantan tag <noscript/>, dan jika di gabung lazyload image, akan otomatis dibawah gambar.
      gabung ke grup telegram kami untuk lebih jelasnya

  • Fatwa Aulia
    Fatwa Aulia 03 February, 2022

    Assalamualaikum kak, bagian RELATED POST kenapa untuk tanggal upload bulan nya tertulis 0 ? 2022/0/31

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 05 February, 2022

      waalaikumsalam, akan segera diperbaiki, terimakasih reportnya

  • アタル
    アタル 29 April, 2022

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • アタル
    アタル 29 April, 2022

    • アタル
      アタル 29 April, 2022

      <b:loop values='data:post.comments where (c =&gt; not c.inReplyTo)' var='commentLevel1'>

      <b:loop values='data:post.comments where (c =&gt; not c.inReplyTo or c.inReplyTo == &quot;0&quot;)' var='commentLevel1'>

  • Mr Josh
    Mr Josh 17 June, 2022

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Jessica Singh
    Jessica Singh 10 August, 2022

    Formulir kontak tidak berfungsi

  • Clésia Neves
    Clésia Neves 15 August, 2022

    Saudara baik-baik saja? saya butuh template premium jettheme, saya hanya punya 3 dolar di paypal

    SAHOUI 27 August, 2022

    I have a problem with how to make a drop down menu in blogger please help

  • Jaime Zivane
    Jaime Zivane 25 September, 2022

    gan, saya pake template jettheme, saya butuh script safelink dan kode css. berapa harganya?

  • 28 September, 2022

    selamat siang. halaman post dan page. tidak bisa menampilkan tag ul dan tag li dengan baik sesuai harapan. tidak seperti template lasantha bandara. mohon perbaikan. jika sudah diperbaiki saya mau beli yang premium. terimakasih.

  • Ukiboy
    Ukiboy 25 October, 2022

    Ada yang punya kontak Admin jetthme yang fast respon

    • Administrator
      Administrator 30 January, 2023

      langsung join di grup telegramnya

  • 17 November, 2022

    i want to add google custom search engine to my site. Please help me. I am using jettheme latest version.

  • Neuron
    Neuron 28 January, 2023

    Hello sir
    I am facing 'alternative page with proper canonical tag ' . When I use the template than i face this problem. Please solve this problem.

  • Rizki Cahya Permana
    Rizki Cahya Permana 04 June, 2023

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • MaalFreeKaa
    MaalFreeKaa 18 August, 2023

    Giveaway Deals offer web desktop and laptop not opening please tell me how to fix it? mobile version is perfectly work.

  • tukang taman jakarta
    tukang taman jakarta 10 July, 2024

    Om saya mau order

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