Membuat Paralax Ads diTemplate JetTheme

Untuk membuat paralax adsense pada template jettheme sangat mudah, cukup letakan code di bawah ini dan masukan iklan unit kamu kedalam code yang telah di warnai

<div class="full-width ratio ratio-1x1 ratio-sm-16x9">
  <div style="clip:rect(auto,auto,auto,auto)">
    <div class="position-relative" style="width:728px;max-width:100%">
      <div class="position-fixed d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center top-0 bottom-0" style="width:inherit;max-width:inherit">
        <div style="max-width:inherit">
          <!-- Code Ads Here -->

Berikut contohnya

<div class="full-width ratio ratio-1x1 ratio-sm-16x9">
  <div style="clip:rect(auto,auto,auto,auto)">
    <div class="position-relative" style="width:728px;max-width:100%">
      <div class="position-fixed d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center top-0 bottom-0" style="width:inherit;max-width:inherit">
        <div style="max-width:inherit">
          <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block;max-width:inherit;width:728px"
            (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});

Lalu pada bagian style adsense ubah seperti yang di warnai, dan save

Previous Post
  • Master
    Master 19 December, 2021

    iklan parallax ini ada di versi gratisan jg?

    • Jettheme
      Jettheme 25 December, 2021

      iya, di versi gratis juga bisa digunakan

  • মোঃ সাব্বির আলী
    মোঃ সাব্বির আলী 12 March, 2022

    How to do more ad shows? But website speed does not decrease.

  • İlkay Gürler
    İlkay Gürler 19 April, 2022

    Nice post.

  • İlkay Gürler
    İlkay Gürler 29 April, 2022

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Jaime Zivane
    Jaime Zivane 25 September, 2022

    gan, saya pake template jettheme, saya butuh script safelink dan kode css. berapa harganya?

    • food
      food 02 April, 2024

      Telegram : @jetthemedownload

  • Dipesh Dulal
    Dipesh Dulal 07 October, 2022

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  • Ahmet Atam
    Ahmet Atam 27 September, 2023

    Reklam kodu ekleme yeri neresi

  • Bro Enal
    Bro Enal 22 November, 2023

    saya suka template blognya

    TITAN VIỆT NAM 02 March, 2024

    nice template

  • Ali Hussain
    Ali Hussain 14 July, 2024

    This comment has been removed by the author.

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